Katies diaries Ep.8

New chpater of"Katie's Diaries" will continue to tell us about the adventures of buxomy ginger-haired named Katy who has specific torubles with her private life and her new-roomie-slash-new-best-girlfriend Brandy who appears to be very certain about helping Katy to fix those problems. But as we knoe the majority of her efforts finishes up with Brandy getting herself a new fuckbuddy while Katy still stays alone. Will something happen in the way this moment? We will not tell you anything more and if you got intrigued enough then you just need to see those not very long animation from yoruself (and ofcourse it's recommended to test all the preceding gigs when you have not seen them yet or you may not understand in this story is still going). Play now »


This video isn't part of the game, but more of a test for animation created by Silestaur. The animation is based on one the many thrilling scenes from the adult RPG "Trials in Tainted Space". Penny is a hot-looking female furry. She isfully aware of her actions and will be shown as such. Tonight, her attention will be on you , big and strong. This is probably because of her sexually attractive booty. We hope that you like getting a blowjob instead of having anal sex. Yet who knows - may be in one of the following episodes, if one is made, you'll finally get a chance to try another fuckhole that this cute slutnamed Penny and keep checking our website from time to the time! Play now »

Dragon Quest porn – Princess of Moonbrooke…

Princess of Moonbrooke is one of the most lovely looking and popular characters from the videogame series"Dragon Quest" so barely you need to be surprised by the fact that she has become the main heroine of this simple but fun and titillating manga... Play now »

Teen Fangbangers

The Twilight saga? Vampire Diaries? If these titles means something fo ryou than you are certainly going to love this new interactive narrative by"Lesson of Passion" series since it is going to involve some vampires too! But are you ready than you've observed in those films to find the type of vampire? If you do then hit the embark button and begin your own story! This will be a story of two girlfrends called Bianca along with Sar. They are both very hot looking ladies which means that got bored by guys truly hasty. Now they could try some girly-girl experience... or offer one more opportunity to Mr Bulgur who promises to be a vampire! Make your own choices during the game and enjoy some hot and thrilling bang-out scnes if you made them right! Play now »

Alien Abduction

1 fellow has chosen his gf on a petite tour outside of the town with fairly clear intent - so they can ultimately have some private time in the van. What could fail in such elementary and already proven to be operating strategy? Abduction by alien - that is what! What's the reason of this action is somethng that you are supposed to see by yourself so that we will not be telling anything more about the story of the not long cartoon but what we could tell you for certain is that if you always thought that aliens are a bunch of kinky dudes with hi-tech fucktoys then you are not so far from the fact (according to events of this entirely literary and by a means humorous storyline ofcourse and the resemblence with any aliens or at least boys and gals making out in their vans are accidental... just in case). Play now »